Provably Fair Updated on: 02/26/2023

Provably Fair

We are the fairest and most impartial betting platform. Our goal is to eliminate all unfair
factors and make the players as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Following is a
calculation method:
How to check provably fair?
You can check provably fair any time by using any kind of SHA-256 hash generator.
Here are the simply steps on how to verify:
1. Select the required record in “History”
2. Insert the data from the “Salt” field on a selected hash generator website.
3. Click “Generate” then you will see matching Dashcode with your round.

For example:
Hash: 1ef4ce0836c2ea525fab54f3d6ad7e921eafe8a6ed2cb7916c3575021500

Salt: The computer made number 88 and secret 61. Salt vdX=fe*zk)QjHhR
After entering "Salt' into hash generator: The computer made number 88 and
secret 61. Salt vdX=fe*zk)Q/H'hR, you will get hashcode: 1ef4ce0836c2ea525fa
b5413d6ad7e921eafeBa6ed2cb7916c357502f50092de, that will fully matched
with hash from the "History".